Dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games

Monday, July 20, 2015

State of the Disunion Address

My fellow Umerica fans! I’ve got several bits of information about Crawling Under a Broken Moon to pass on and a request for assistance so here we go...

Back issues and the CUaBM compendium - I have decided that when Issues #1 through #4 run out, I will not be reprinting them again. Instead I will compile them into the first CUaBM compendium that will be available on RPGNOW / DriveThruRPG as POD and PDF. For those who have the original zine versions, there will be updated and new supplementary content in addition to the old stuff. I will try to work out a discount code for subscribers and long time fans.

CUaBM on Purple Sorcerer - I am currently getting help with adding CUaBM 0 level info to Jon Marr’s excellent generator. As soon as it is ready I will let everybody know. Frankly, I am hoping it is soon so I can use it for cons. :)

Mutant Crawl Classics RPG Compatibility - Many people have asked if CUaBM will be supporting Goodman Games new Mutant Crawl Classics RPG due out soon. I’ve spoken with the Dark Master and there will not be any official compatibility licensing for the Mutant Crawl Classics RPG as there is with Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. Since Mutant Crawl Classics has been reported to be fully compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics, I would say that you will most likely be able to use the CUaBM materials with it as well. This is just my hopeful opinion and not based on fact as I have not seen any of the Mutant Crawl Classics content yet.

The future beyond Issue #12 - Last year I released a statement about my vision for CUaBM in 2015. I am happy to say that the plan is going along nicely. Now that the year is more than half over, I am casting my inner eye towards 2016 and my mental cupboards are a bit bare. I’ve got ideas for issues #11 & #12 but beyond that I am currently out of significant inspiration. :(

So I ask you, the loyal fanbase of CUaBM, to let me know what you would like to see next. Please send your suggestions to: If you have an idea for an article or two that you would like to write, I’d love to hear about it. As ideas roll in, I will most likely post a few polls as well to see what everyone's opinion is.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns,

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