Dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Children of the Sun has been released! Print on Demand versions coming soon.

Greetings my fellow Umericans!

The Children of the Sun Gazetteer is now available in PDF from here:

A Print of Demand version is in the works and coming soon.

Not familiar with the Children of the Sun Gazetteer? Here is a rundown of its finer features:


Herein lies a detailed treatise on what was once the Valley of Mexico, where the People of the Sun forgo the use of all technology and return to the way of life led by the tribes that dwelt there thousands of years ago.

  • Rules for creating People of the Sun characters, including new occupations and two new classes: The Half-Blood and the Jaguar Knight

  • Information about the culture of the Kingdom of the Sun; their daily lives, goods, and gods

  • A new Patron: HUITZILOPOCHTLI — Lord of the South, God of War

  • And, of course, a host of new monsters to unleash upon the unwary wanderer

  • This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Umerican Survival Guide has been released! Now with print versions!

Greetings my fellow Umericans!

Today is a momentous day for the PDF of the Umerican Survival Guide has been released, with two different cover options, and is now available for purchase at RPGNOW/DriveThruRPG [here] and [here] available in PDF, soft cover, and hardcover Print on Demand versions!

Not familiar with the Umerican Survival Guide? Here is a rundown of its finer features:

  • A dozen new or revised character class options, nine of which are unique to Umerica: Clerics of the Wasteland, The Cyborg, Feral Urchin, Fossiorian, Grays, Mutant, Petrol Head, Robot, Scavenger, Technologist, Wasteland Warrior, Wizard of the Wasteland.
  • New piecemeal armor system that incorporates damage resistance, ablatives, and armor degradation
  • An extensive, revised mutation system usable by all characters and creatures
  • An expanded vehicular creation and combat system for all of your petrolhead needs
  • A pantheon of Umerican Gods and Patrons, old and new
  • A comprehensive section on the Citadel of Scrap, a good campaign starting point for exploring Umerica
  • Dozens of random tables covering aspects of everyday wasteland life, finding salvage, and adventure creation plus much, much more!
  • All fully compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game from Goodman Games.

Now, we will be focusing on completing the other products that are part of the Umerican Kickstarter: the Children of the Sun Gazetteer, the Killer of Giants Adventure, the Twisted Menagerie Manual, and the Deck of Twisted Terrors. An irradiated cornucopia of post apocalyptic goodness for your game table!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Kickstarter success!

My fellow Umericans, yesterday was a historic day as the Umerican Survival Guide Kickstarter closed at over 250% funding! This has brought the following products to life:
  • The Umerican Survival Guide 
  • The Twisted Menagerie Manual (w/ 3 content upgrades)
  • The Children of the Sun gazetteer by +Sean Ellis 
  • The Killer of Giants sandbox adventure by +Forrest Aguirre
  • And the Deck of Twisted Terrors

I look forward to releasing these fine products into the irradiated wilds soon!

Thank you for all of your support!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Umerican Survival Guide Kickstarter is now live!!!

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I am pleased to announce that the Umerican Survival Guide Kickstarter is now live and ready to accept your pledge! What is the Umerican Survival Guide? Umerica is a super science & sorcery post apocalyptic setting for the Dungeon Crawl Classics role playing game from Goodman Games set in a weird, twisted version of North and Central America. It originated in the Crawling Under a Broken Moon fanzine but the Umerican Survival Guide is a fully revised and fleshed out version of the setting.

Please go to to read more about the project and see all of our amazing pledge options.

Thank you for all of your support,
Reid San Filippo

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Issue #18 is available for purchase!

Issue #18 is available for purchase!

It is at the printer and will be ready soon!

This issue contains:
> A new Interesting Place to Die: The Menfish Pyramid of the Bass Masters! 

> The Hybird, A new alluring character class

> New rules for underwater combat

> New rules for watercraft creation and combat

> And a passel of new anphibious beasties to encounter

Go to the  Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Issue #17 is available for purchase!

It is at the printer and will be ready soon!

This issue contains:
>The Necromancers of the Space Needle and the Land of the Reanimatronic Dead

>NecroTech - wondrous items brought to you by cutting edge necromancy

>The Wikinomicon - containing a pair of spells to die for

>And a slew of new undead beasties to kill your players with

Go to the  Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!