Dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games

Monday, February 22, 2016

PDF email delivery issues

Hello Everyone!

It has come to my attention that some people are not getting their PDF copies when they order a print version. By my records, I've sent out comp copy emails from RPGNOW/DriveThruRPG for EVERY purchase to date. If you have not received an email from RPGNOW/DriveThruRPG for any of purchases from me PLEASE contact me at or through G+ +Reid San Filippo ASAP so I can rectify this. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Issue #12 is available for purchase!

Issue #12 is available for purchase!

It is at the printer and will be ready to ship soon.

In this issue contains:

>The lore of Buddy O’Burger, the beneficent burger god of Feasting, Customer Service, and Cannibalism.
>Full deity and patron information including patron spells
>Cult organization and restaurant data.
>A new class for those blessed by the gloved hand of Buddy.
>Descriptions of Buddy’s hench-creatures and servants.
>And much, much more!

Go to the Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!