Damn Tasty
By Tim Bruns
An Umerican 0-Level Culinary Experience Brought To You By The Go! Afterlife Company
Ever wonder how Go! Bars come up with such tasty flavors like Peppermint Pot Pie? Ever think that it’s odd that Go! Bars are still around and plentiful? Find out as you join the Go! Bar team as wage wights. Find out how they decide on their innovative flavor combinations. Learn about the secret ingredients. Find out if escaping on your bi-annual day off really is a way to taste freedom. Herd your hoard of wage wights past the grease ghouls, avoid your supervisors the skeleton crew, and don’t draw the attention of the quality control in-specter.
This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
Buy it now from any of these fine vendors:
On RPGnow: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/286085/Damn-Tasty-DCC
On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Damn-Tasty-Umerican-Experience-Adventure/dp/1687044228/
On Lulu: http://www.lulu.com/shop/damn-tasty/paperback/product-24213743.html