For those who have ordered print copies of Issue #5 they are now in the mail! Sorry for the delay but the Holiday Tarrasque ( I nicknamed him the Yuler) ate up a lot more time then I anticipated.
For those who were hip deep in egg nog this week, Issue #5 is ready for purchase over on the Buy It Now!! page.
Also, Interloper Miniatures has been trying to contact the winners of the Thundarr look-a-like mini contest but no one has gotten back to them. If you are one of the winners, please check you email ASAP so you can get your prizes!
And now back to your regularly scheduled holiday weekend shenanigans.
Dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Early Holiday release! Issue #5 is available for purchase!
Issue #5 is available for purchase!
Physical books are currently being assembled and should begin mailing soon. Since the holidays eat up time like hungry Tarrasque it may take a few days longer than normal, sorry!
Go to the Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!
Physical books are currently being assembled and should begin mailing soon. Since the holidays eat up time like hungry Tarrasque it may take a few days longer than normal, sorry!
Go to the Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Thundarr lookalike mini giveaway WINNERS!
The day has arrived to announce the winners of the Thundarr lookalike mini giveaway courtesy of contest!
<insert drumroll>
Stephen Andrews, Andrew Schwartz, & Robert K. Leopold!
You three should be receiving an email soon from to confirm your shipping adresses.
<insert drumroll>
Stephen Andrews, Andrew Schwartz, & Robert K. Leopold!
You three should be receiving an email soon from to confirm your shipping adresses.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Issue #5 is out to the Dark Lord for his sinister approval!

Who is this handsome fellow? Why is he glaring balefully at this skeletal fiend? Find out in the next thrilling issue of Crawling Under a Broken Moon, Aetheria's favorite DCC fanzine! Coming soon to a virtual vendor near you!
Note: any resemblance to any Filmation IP is clearly delusional. Should symptoms continue please seek immediate medical assistance.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Turkageddon Sale! 33% off all PDFs!
Welcome to Turkageddon!
In honor of the celebration of the mass slaughter of the turkey species I have put all of the Crawling Under a Broken Moon PDFs on sale at 33% until Dec 2nd.
Also, I will be out of town until then so all print orders purchased over the holiday will not be mailed out until the 2nd as well.
Enjoy your feasting and be thankful you are not a turkey!
In honor of the celebration of the mass slaughter of the turkey species I have put all of the Crawling Under a Broken Moon PDFs on sale at 33% until Dec 2nd.
Also, I will be out of town until then so all print orders purchased over the holiday will not be mailed out until the 2nd as well.
Enjoy your feasting and be thankful you are not a turkey!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
The future of Crawling Under a Broken Moon
Hi Everyone!
With the Thundarr lookalike mini giveaway courtesy of contest going on I thought that those of you that are considering purchasing a six month subscription to my fanzine might want to see what I have planned for 2015. Well, here is is!
Far in the northern reaches of Umerica lay the lands of Aetheria where the Masters of Umerica do fierce battle with the lich Skull-Or and his mighty minions!
Articles on both the lands of Aethera and the neighbouring Darklands
The Aetherian Hero character class
The Ancient tech of the Un Men! The secret to the power of Aetheria.
And, the Wizard hating Warrior Patron, Castle Oldskull
New class: Petrol Head
New Rules: Vehicle combat!
New gear: Vehicle creation rules
New monsters: Road gang generator
New Table: d100 Stuff Found on Apocalyptic Roadways
New Location: The deep wastes (if space permits)
New Location: The Rail Wastes - includes Train stats for vehicle combat
New Location: The Citadel of Scrap, where all train routes meet. Also the home to many Cyborgs.
New Gear: more vehicles
New class: Cyborg
A collection of tables focusing on each letter of the alphabet involving such post apocalyptic themes as...
The second half of a collection of tables focusing on each letter of the alphabet involving such post apocalyptic themes as...
An issue full of post apocalyptic horrors with full stat blocks and several plot seeds to drop them straight into your game.
Please note that all plans past Issue #6 are subject to change.
With the Thundarr lookalike mini giveaway courtesy of contest going on I thought that those of you that are considering purchasing a six month subscription to my fanzine might want to see what I have planned for 2015. Well, here is is!
Issue #5 - Feb (released in Jan)
Theme - A He-Man homageFar in the northern reaches of Umerica lay the lands of Aetheria where the Masters of Umerica do fierce battle with the lich Skull-Or and his mighty minions!
Articles on both the lands of Aethera and the neighbouring Darklands
The Aetherian Hero character class
The Ancient tech of the Un Men! The secret to the power of Aetheria.
And, the Wizard hating Warrior Patron, Castle Oldskull
Issue #6 - April (released in March)
Theme - Car Warriors of the WastelandsNew class: Petrol Head
New Rules: Vehicle combat!
New gear: Vehicle creation rules
New monsters: Road gang generator
New Table: d100 Stuff Found on Apocalyptic Roadways
New Location: The deep wastes (if space permits)
Issue#7 - June (released in May)
Theme - Return to the WastelandsNew Location: The Rail Wastes - includes Train stats for vehicle combat
New Location: The Citadel of Scrap, where all train routes meet. Also the home to many Cyborgs.
New Gear: more vehicles
New class: Cyborg
Issue #8 - August (released in July)
Theme - Apocalypse Alphabet part 1, letters A-MA collection of tables focusing on each letter of the alphabet involving such post apocalyptic themes as...
- B is for Barter Goods
- F is for Foraging
- H is for Hazards
- L is for Laboratories
Issue #9 - October (released in Sept)
Theme - Apocalypse Alphabet part 2, letters N-ZThe second half of a collection of tables focusing on each letter of the alphabet involving such post apocalyptic themes as...
- N is for Nanotechnology
- S is for Scavenging
- U is for UFOs
- X is for Xenotech
Issue #10 - December (released in Nov)
Theme - Monsterpalooza!An issue full of post apocalyptic horrors with full stat blocks and several plot seeds to drop them straight into your game.
Please note that all plans past Issue #6 are subject to change.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Issue #4 is available for purchase!
Physical books are currently being assembled and should begin mailing in the next few days.
Go to the Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thundarr lookalike mini giveaway courtesy of!
Thanks to I will be giving away three Wasteland Warrior minis which look remarkably like Thundarr the Barbarian! The mini will come unpainted, shipped direct from Interloper.
Here is how the giveaway will work: On Dec 12th I will roll randomly three times on the list of current Crawling Under a Broken Moon six issue subscribers to determine the winners. If you are already a CUaBM subscriber, you are already entered in the giveaway! If not, to enter you just need to purchase a six issue subscription by Dec 11th!
I will pass the winner's shipping info to Interloper and they should have the minis shipped well in time for Christmas.
As competent as the Wasteland Warrior appears, he never goes into danger without his faithful companions. All three minis should be available for purchase by Halloween, directly from!
Here is how the giveaway will work: On Dec 12th I will roll randomly three times on the list of current Crawling Under a Broken Moon six issue subscribers to determine the winners. If you are already a CUaBM subscriber, you are already entered in the giveaway! If not, to enter you just need to purchase a six issue subscription by Dec 11th!
I will pass the winner's shipping info to Interloper and they should have the minis shipped well in time for Christmas.
As competent as the Wasteland Warrior appears, he never goes into danger without his faithful companions. All three minis should be available for purchase by Halloween, directly from!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Art credit error
I somehow forgot to add Brad Morris to the lists of artists in issue #3. He was responsible for the Pigtipede art in the Twisted Menagerie section.
Sorry Brad!
Sorry Brad!
Issue #3 is available for purchase!
Issue #3 is available for purchase!
Physical books are currently being assembled and should begin mailing in the next few days.
Go to the Buy It Now!!! page to get your copy today!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Interruption of Service
Hi All! I'll be heading out to Gen Con soon and since this is a one man operation with manual order processing all orders placed after 8/12 11am CDT will not be processed until 8/19. Thank you for your patience!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Issue #3 is on track!
Issue #3 is written and edited. Just waiting on a bit of art and then it is off for official approval. Everything is on track for a Sept/Oct release.
Here is the table of contents:
Radioactive Wasters
Making 0 Level characters for a post apocalyptic world
Mall Maul
A funnel adventure set in the ruins of a shopping mall
The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence: A Review
Full disclosure time: Venger Satanis asked me to review The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence and gave me a complimentary copy to do so.
So, what did I think? Short answer: WOW! Long answer: There is a LOT of gonzo Old School goodness in these 110 pages.
I do feel that it should be mentioned right away that the "Caution: Mature Content" warning on the cover is justified. There is a fair amount of sexual content, female slaves as a type of currency, dark twisted concepts, and possibly disturbing art. I mention this not to dissuade anyone but to alert possible purchasers that it might not be acceptable for children or the easily offended.
The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence begins with 40+ pages of optional house rules compatible with most OSR games, a new monk class, setting specific rules, tons of useful random tables, and a boatload of background for the islands interspersed amongst all of the above. I would say this part of the book is pleasantly unorganized and very much reminiscent of RPG supplements written in the 70’s and 80’s. You may need to flip around a bit to find the table or section you are looking for but it is not too difficult. I really enjoyed traversing through this section as it felt like you never knew what the next pages would hold.
Starting on Page 44 is the individual hex content listings. These continue until page 95. The best way I can describe this section is that the previous 40 pages were Alice chasing after the Rabbit and now she has jumped down the hole into Wonderland, as written by Robert E. Howard on month long acid trip. It is a random assortment of SciFi and fantasy, depraved cult activity, the familiar and the strange. Then it just gets WEIRD.
The last pages are dedicated to new setting specific spells and magic items befitting the insanity already displayed in the setting.
Honestly I am not sure a grouping of paragraphs containing words can describe what takes place on this Island. If the byline “An old school weird science-fantasy campaign setting and wilderness hex-crawl” written on the cover caught your interest at all, do yourself a favor and pick this up.
So, what did I think? Short answer: WOW! Long answer: There is a LOT of gonzo Old School goodness in these 110 pages.
I do feel that it should be mentioned right away that the "Caution: Mature Content" warning on the cover is justified. There is a fair amount of sexual content, female slaves as a type of currency, dark twisted concepts, and possibly disturbing art. I mention this not to dissuade anyone but to alert possible purchasers that it might not be acceptable for children or the easily offended.
The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence begins with 40+ pages of optional house rules compatible with most OSR games, a new monk class, setting specific rules, tons of useful random tables, and a boatload of background for the islands interspersed amongst all of the above. I would say this part of the book is pleasantly unorganized and very much reminiscent of RPG supplements written in the 70’s and 80’s. You may need to flip around a bit to find the table or section you are looking for but it is not too difficult. I really enjoyed traversing through this section as it felt like you never knew what the next pages would hold.
Starting on Page 44 is the individual hex content listings. These continue until page 95. The best way I can describe this section is that the previous 40 pages were Alice chasing after the Rabbit and now she has jumped down the hole into Wonderland, as written by Robert E. Howard on month long acid trip. It is a random assortment of SciFi and fantasy, depraved cult activity, the familiar and the strange. Then it just gets WEIRD.
The last pages are dedicated to new setting specific spells and magic items befitting the insanity already displayed in the setting.
Honestly I am not sure a grouping of paragraphs containing words can describe what takes place on this Island. If the byline “An old school weird science-fantasy campaign setting and wilderness hex-crawl” written on the cover caught your interest at all, do yourself a favor and pick this up.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Issue #2 is now available for purchase!
Monday, June 16, 2014
Twisted Menagerie Teaser, Issue #2
Who is this handsome gent? Why this is the charming Mutitan, a giant mass of flailing pain and suffering that will confound casters with its magic warping aura!
Coming soon to a Fanzine near you!
Issue #2 update: Editing, Approval, and Layout complete! I am getting the files ready to print and I expect to have both Print & PDF up for sale early July.
Coming soon to a Fanzine near you!
Issue #2 update: Editing, Approval, and Layout complete! I am getting the files ready to print and I expect to have both Print & PDF up for sale early July.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Issue #2 has passed stage 1!
Issue #2 is written and off for editing. Everything is on track for a July/August release.
Here is the table of contents:
Here is the table of contents:
The Mutant
A racial class about those who have been “blessed” by the twisted earth
Cirque de Bizarre
Making mutants out of “normal” monsters
Weapons of the Wastelands
Twisted Menagerie
Zombie Monks of the Cyberhive, the Robolich, and the Mutitan!
An Interesting Place to Die
The Floating Tower of the Cyberhive
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Artists Wanted
I am looking for art for upcoming issues of Crawling Under a Broken Moon. I prefer old school looking black and white art that matches up with the styling of the other DCC products out there. Anything that would fit the concept of gonzo post apocalyptic fantasy is fair game.
Artists will retain all rights to any art submitted and only agree to letting me use it in the Crawling Under a Broken Moon fanzine. At this time, that best compensation I can offer is the same as the other fanzines, a free print copy of any issue that features your work.
If you are interested, please contact me at or on Google+. I'll be happy to provide ideas for what kind of art I need.
Artists will retain all rights to any art submitted and only agree to letting me use it in the Crawling Under a Broken Moon fanzine. At this time, that best compensation I can offer is the same as the other fanzines, a free print copy of any issue that features your work.
If you are interested, please contact me at or on Google+. I'll be happy to provide ideas for what kind of art I need.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
Issue #1 got its first review!
Erik over at Tenkar's Tavern recently reviewed issue #1. Check out the review here:
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Twisted Menagerie Teaser #2
Let me introduce the Lobstrosity! An alien species of giant flying crustaceans that are just as tasty as they are deadly.
Coming soon to a Fanzine near you!
Issue #1 update, It should be available in early May! I had to make a very minor change and resubmit it for approval but otherwise it was good to go.
Friday, April 18, 2014
I've got a poll and I'm not afraid to use it!
...although I probably should be.
Anyways, I'm working away on the content for issue #2 while issue #1 is waiting for approval. As I think about future issues, I'd like to get some input from the fanzine fans out there eagerly awaiting some post apocalyptic DCC content. As such, I've posted a poll here on my blog and I would love for everyone check it out.
Also, I've added a submissions page for those who might be interested in writing or drawing something for Crawling Under A Broken Moon. Feel free to contact me for more info at
Anyways, I'm working away on the content for issue #2 while issue #1 is waiting for approval. As I think about future issues, I'd like to get some input from the fanzine fans out there eagerly awaiting some post apocalyptic DCC content. As such, I've posted a poll here on my blog and I would love for everyone check it out.
Also, I've added a submissions page for those who might be interested in writing or drawing something for Crawling Under A Broken Moon. Feel free to contact me for more info at
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Twisted Menagerie Teaser
Who is this fine fellow? Meet the Sharkhana, a genetically engineered race whose alignment depends on how hungry they are.
Coming soon to a Fanzine near you!
Coming soon to a Fanzine near you!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Issue #1 is on track for release in late May/early June
Issue #1 is complete and is currently under review at Goodman Games. Here is a teaser from the back cover.
In this issue:
* Crawl advice for post apocalyptic play
* A new class: The Technologist
* New gear in the Weapons of the Wasteland
* New monsters in the Twisted Menagerie
* And a new Interesting Place to Die
In this issue:
* Crawl advice for post apocalyptic play
* A new class: The Technologist
* New gear in the Weapons of the Wasteland
* New monsters in the Twisted Menagerie
* And a new Interesting Place to Die
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Hello World!
My intent with this blog is to promote my fanzine dedicated to bringing gonzo post apocalyptic content for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG from Goodman Games. I am hoping to release the first issue in late May or early June. Until then I will try and post teasers while I work on it.
Please excuse the under construction state of this blog as I attempt to figure out how to set it up. :)
Please excuse the under construction state of this blog as I attempt to figure out how to set it up. :)
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